The 6th Inter Airport China 2014
The 6th Inter Airport China 2014 is organized by the Mack Brooks Exhibitions Group, will take place at China International Exhibition Center (CIEC) during Oct.15-17, 2014.
The sponsor, AVITEC’s broad remit includes equipment tendering both domestically and internationally for airport and ATC equipment, as well as the import and export of aviation-related equipment and services. Its list of references includes tendering and purchasing for more than 100 large-scale civil aviation infrastructure projects. Together, the CAAC, CAS and AVITEC will be inviting the majority of visitors attending the show.
Background of Inter Airport China 2014
China plans to build 55 new airports over the next 5 years. This will increase the total number of airports to 230. This will help to ease the overwhelming increase in passenger numbers.
The Civil Aviation Administration plans to invest a remarkable USD230 billion within the next 5 years.
450 million to 500 million passenger trips are expected to be made annually in China by 2015. This is a substantial increase from the 230 million made in 2009.
Beijing plans to build a second airport which can handle 60 million passengers a year. This will maintain the rapid increase in passenger numbers.
The International Air Transport Association forecasts that Chinese international passengers will increase from 49.2 million in 2009 to 82.1 million by 2014. This is a striking 66.87% increase.
China is increasing its total number of airports from 175 to 230 over the next five years and will be investing approximately 390bn USD to purchase 3,710 new aircraft.
According to the International Air Transport Association, the number of Chinese international passengers is set to increase from 49.2m in 2009 to 82.1m in 2014.
China also plans to open its airspace below 4,000 meters to civilian aircraft. Already possessing the second largest economy in the world, China’s large involvement with the aviation industry means the country will eventually become the second largest market in the world for general aviation aircraft like helicopters and turboprop aircraft.