American ginseng extract CAS NO. 72480-62-7 Name : Ameri

单价: 面议
起订: 1 Acre/Acres
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: China(Mainland)
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-03-14 01:06
浏览次数: 396

American ginseng extract CAS NO. 72480-62-7Name : American ginseng extractCategory: tonics Pinyin: XI of the YANG SHEN Latin: Radix Quinquefolii Alias: Western ginseng, ginseng, West ginseng, American ginseng, Guangdong ginsengCAS NO.: 72480-62-7test methods: UVPlant sourcesAraliaceae American ginseng, Panax quinque folium L. dried root extract parts: root active ingredients of American ginseng total saponins extraction solvent ethanolSpecifications:10% -80% detection methods HPLC (Rg1, Re, Rb1, Rc and Rd total content) traits of yellow or brown powder, bitter Solubility soluble in water, soluble in ethanol mesh sieve aperture: 100 mesh Tropism of taste : cool; sweet, slightly bitter; Indications: qi and yin of the heart, lung, kidney function, heat fluid. For qi deficiency and yin deficiency, heat, cough and sputum the blood, Xure tired tired, thirst, dry mouth and throat. Dosage: Oral: decoction (Another to Jianzhi kimono), 3 ~~ 6g; into pills, powder. Taboo: not with veratridine with. Xieganbushen, cold resistance and damp ban clothing.Related presentationsAmerican ginseng, also known as American ginseng, Araliaceae perennial herb, mainly produced in the United States, Canada and other North American countries. American ginseng is a complement rather than dry, senior health care products for men, women and children safe. American ginseng has qi nourishing yin and kidney, key spleen and stomach, delaying the effects of aging and beauty. Modern medical studies have shown that American ginseng has anti-fatigue, anti-aging, anti-shock, thinking, improve memory and regulate the endocrine, enhance immunity and improve cardiovascular function and other effects. Edit this paragraph efficacy qi Yin heat fluid. Anticonvulsant, analgesic, antipyretic 4 antiarrhythmic and anti-ischemic 5 anti-hemolysis, lower blood sugar 6 anti-fatigue 7. Enhance immune function 8. promote the metabolism of fat and glucose metabolism. antidiureticApplicationsHealth care products, pharmaceuticals, etc.

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